Dental Care

What are the Causes for Dental Crowding in Boynton?

Dental crowding is a common orthodontic issue that arises when there just simply isn’t enough space in the mouth for teeth to develop properly. Overlapping, twisted, or crowded teeth are just one of the problems that can result from this condition and a bite becomes misaligned which may cause other issues in oral health as advised by a dentist in Boynton Beach. Many people in Boynton face trouble with dental crowding and therefore you must know all the causes which contribute to this & what these imply along with your treatment options for giving them a straighter, healthier-looking smile.

Causes of Dental Crowding

Many times, dental crowding occurs due to a variety of reasons which are genetic or some developmental issues. The two most common causes are:

1. Genetics

Dental crowding frequently clusters in families. Quite often if your parents or brothers have crowded teeth, then the chances are high that you might face a similar problem. Jaw size, tooth size, and the space available for teeth due to genetic factors cause crowding.

2. Early Loss of Baby Teeth

Premature loss of baby teeth can cause dental crowding. When baby teeth are lost prematurely, neighboring teeth may shift into the space and crowd out proper adult tooth eruption.

3. Late Loss of Baby Teeth

Alternatively, if baby teeth fail to fall out within their usual time-secondary dentition may wind up stuck below- causing them to erupt in an inappropriate position.

4. Supernumerary Teeth (Extra Teeth)

This may cause crowding of the teeth by taking up too much space which usually holds a regular set of 32 teeth. It causes overcrowding and those other teeth can be pushed out of alignment.

Dental Crowding

Consequences for Huddling Teeth

Unsightly dental crowding is not the only issue that arises, there are several oral systemic health considerations that affect many parts of our body:

1.   Increased Risk of Tooth Decay

But, cleaning crowded teeth thoroughly is a bit tougher Overlapping teeth creates tight spaces where a toothbrush or floss cannot reach causing plaque and bacteria to form. This will elevate the chances of cavities and gum disease.

2. Gum Disease

Crooked teeth can also lead to gum disease and tooth loss due to poor oral hygiene. They include gingivitis and periodontal diseases; serious gum infections that, left untreated, can lead to tooth loss.

3. Problems in Chewing and Speech

If the teeth are severely crowded it will influence how you bite, so food is not fully chewed. It can also affect speech, as in lisp or other impediments.

4. Jaw Pain and Discomfort

Crowded teeth can make an uneven bite, which in turn places extra stress on the jaw muscles and joints. This may lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and pain in the jaw, neck as well as head.

5. Aesthetic Concerns

Crowded teeth impact the smile reducing self-esteem and depriving social life. The aesthetic for a lot of the population is why many want dental crowding corrected to make their smile more pleasing.

Tooth overcrowding is a classic example of an issue that can result in numerous oral health difficulties when left unattended. We look at the causes of crowding, explain why crowded teeth are problematic, and finally go on to consider how such issues can be fixed. If you are considering braces for your child or adult orthodontics in Boynton, the most effective way to make that determination is having a consultation with one of our dedicated dentists. Correcting dental crowding with the appropriate treatment will not only enhance your oral health but can also restore functionality as well as beauty to your smile.