Losing chunks and chunks of hair can leave you bald. And if you’re a woman, it doesn’t mean that you are safe from alopecia (baldness). Alopecia affects both men and women. Sadly, no technique can bring back lost hair follicles, but there’s a great deal of chance to prevent hair from falling if you’ve not gone completely bald yet. The treatment that we will be discussing in this guide is PRP (platelet-rich plasma). Have a look!
What is PRP?
PRP is an effective natural way to reverse the signs of hair fall until the patches going bald are repopulated with new hair strands. It’s a wonderful technique of inserting the platelets of the patient in the balding patches on the scalp to promote hair growth.
Why do doctors recommend PRP?
PRP is one of the best Clinicare hair loss treatments. There are many reasons that doctors prefer and even suggest this treatment. We have mentioned the most relevant ones in the section below.
- It’s safe – Platelets that are injected into the patient’s scalp are natural. The immune system recognizes its own platelets and accepts them without causing any inflammation or infection.
- It’s 100% effective – Alopecia occurs due to a sharp decrease in growth factors (they’re responsible for keeping hair follicles healthy and direct them to form new hair strands). Since PRP replenishes the scalp with growth factors (released by platelets), new hair strands are formed.
- It’s quick – Starting from drawing blood to centrifuging it to obtain platelets, and then inserting those platelets in the scalp doesn’t take more than 30 minutes when the staff and doctors are experienced.
Who’s the Ideal Candidate for PRP?
Almost everyone. As long as you’re not completely bald, you can undergo the PRP procedure safely and it will offer results.
However, don’t forget to mention to the doctor if you’re on hormone supplement pills or birth control pills. Also, inform your doctor if you have epilepsy or diabetes. Do as the doctor recommends. As they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry!
Are the Results Permanent?
Nothing about cosmetic procedures is permanent. If anyone suggests otherwise, he/she is lying. PRP treatment is no different.
Usually, 2 to 4 sittings are enough to see results. Those results last for about a year. For them to stretch longer, you have to take touch-up sessions. Doctors suggest taking one or two touch-ups yearly to maintain the results.
On a parting note, PRP is the safest procedure with no recovery downtime. Do give it a serious thought if you have a history of baldness in your family or you have started losing hair randomly.