
Is it Possible to Get Discharged from Federal Student Loans After Getting Approved For Social Security Disability Benefits?

If you receive Social Security disability benefits, you will be allowed to have your federal student loans waived off to total and permanent disability discharge. The discharge implies that the recipients will not be required to engage in repayment of federal student loans. As per the Department of Education USA guidelines, all eligible students are encouraged to seek loan relief. If you are unsure whether you are qualified to get your alone canceled, make sure to consult a Fayetteville social security disability attorney. They help assess your claim and provide accurate information about the possible outcomes.

Eligibility for discharge

In order to get your loans waived off, the recipients must be totally and permanently affected by a disability. Total and permanent disability can be demonstrated through three kinds, The recipient is a veteran and has a service-connected disability which was deemed as 100% disabling by the VA, and the recipient is totally disabled as per the individual employability rating. The Social Security Administration decides whether the recipient qualifies for Social Security disability insurance or supplemental security income benefits. 

The other disability review will be done under 5 to 7 years after the latest disability administration regarding SSDA. Medical practitioners licensed in the United States can check whether the recipient is totally and permanently disabled. The medical practitioner must certify that the recipient is not in the state to partake in substantial gainful activities due to today’s injuries or disability. It must be stated that The injury or disability has a physical or mental effect that can have little outcome, is long-term, and will affect the individual for at least the next 60 months.

Eligibility of loans for discharge

Cording to the total and permanent disability discharge, the recipients are relieved from repayment of William default federal direct loan program loan, federal family education loan program loan, federal Perkins loan program loan, and teach grant service obligation.

Process of discharging loans

In order to get a loan relief, you are required to apply for discharge and send it to Nelnet. Nelnet is the servicer for loan discharges. The application process can be completed online. The applicants must attach necessary documentation to demonstrate their disability and its impact on their life. You must add a copy of the SSA notice of a word displaying the disability review. After the receiver accepts the application, they get in touch with loan holders and ask them to suspend the collection activities of your loan.