CBD mostly refers to oils, tinctures and drops that you need to consume under the tongue or smoke. Not always you enjoy the feeling you get after taking the products, cause, in the end, these are medicines that are not necessarily enriched with taste and flavor.
This is why, consuming CBD infused in a food or drink recipe is more relevant and becomes a trend among hemp users. The internet abounds in a plethora of CBD recipes that help you enjoy the treating effects of cannabidiol oil, while devouring a delicious taste and flavor.
As mentioned above, you can choose from a myriad of food and drink recipes to take your dose of CBD. The food can be both a dessert, a spicy lunch dish or a snack that you can take on the go, enjoying wherever you are the relaxing properties of the hemp. When it comes to drinks, you can prepare quickly a huge variety of cocktails, using a lot of combinations of ingredients that you also need to select depending on what disorder or ailment you want to address.
It’s well known that Cannabidiol oil relieves pain, fights stress, increases mood and improves the quality of sleep. You can choose other ingredients with the same effects and prepare a dish that is not only delicious but is an efficient homemade drug.
For example, if you sleep bad, you can use the following recipe to prepare a cocktail that will restore your sleep, and make you feel as fresh as a daisy when you wake up.
All you need is to mix well a cup of cherry juice, a cup of white grape juice, some valerian root tincture and a dose of CBD oil. The combination of valerian root with CBD oil helps you relax, get rid of anxiety and achieve a restorative and enjoyable sleep. At the same time, the cherry and grape juices enrich the cocktail with a sweet and fruity flavor.
Among cannabis recipes here is another one that is super easy to prepare, and helps you relieve pain and escape stress.
In order to cook CBD Biscuits with Chocolate Chips, you have to prepare the dough, and add chocolate chips, vanilla, walnuts, softened butter and of course a preferred dose of Cannabidiol oil. Then, add spoonfuls into a preheated pan, and bake the biscuits for 10 minutes, until you feel a pleasant nutty scent, and notice that the edges turn golden. Such biscuits are a perfect on the go option for trips and work.